A Free Will Baptist Fellowship
We will continue to LiveStream the Worship Service on Facebook Live. We hope to see you in church soon! Also, you can follow us on Facebook and give through the "My Church Home" App, available on Apple and Google App Stores.
Blessings!! Pastor Ron
A Nursery is provided for small children ages 6 weeks to 2 years. It is staffed by loving adults who will notify you if there are any needs. Available from 9:30 - 11:45 a.m. every Sunday.
Small Groups - Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

We have age appropriate classes for preschoolers and children where loving teachers guide them in learning God's Word. The stories and truths of the Bible come alive to help kids learn and want to know more about the Creator of the Universe.
Also, during Worship they have opportunites to worship in their own settings. See more info under Worship below.

Middle & High School Students dig deeper into God's Word with a focus on growing in faith while preparing for life. Students are challenged to make a difference for Christ. We also have off-site activities throughout the year to give Students opportunties to grow in faith as well as build friendships to last for life.

There are Small Group studies that focus on Bible Study and Life Applications. Adults are encouraged to examine the various classes to see which will help them the most in their journey with Christ. Each class is facilitated by leaders who exhibit Godly wisdom and an understanding of God's Word.

Worship - Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Worship is a time to Glorify Christ and Encourage One Another as we Grow in Christ. At Cross Roads we worship together through music, prayer, and the study of God's Word.
We Worship through MUSIC that combines the older Hymns and Songs of Praise with newer Prasie and Worship Music. It is uplifting and encouraging, but most of all, it glorifies our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We Worship Through PRAYER as we pray together and individually for the Spirit to Lead, Guide, Direct, Heal, and Protect. God's Spirit works in each of us to bring us to a saving Knowledge of God's Grace and to Grow us as we learn at the Feet of the Master, Jesus Christ.
We Worship through the STUDY OF GOD'S WORD as we look deeply into the Bible and see what God the Father has given us to develop as Believers, to Grow as Disciples, and to Call the Lost to Repentance.
During the Worship is a time especially for preschoolers and children called for KID'S CORNER. A simple, but important theme is explored to help children come to an understanding of the Saving Power of Jesus Christ.
After Kid's Corner, Preschoolers age 2 to Pre-K are free to go to TODDLER Church while Children, grades K - 5th, are free to go to CHILDREN'S Church. They continue to worhsip and learn in a loving atmosphere that is on their level of understanding. All preschoolers and children are also free to stay in the "main" worship service if the parent desires.
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
On Wednesday evenings we dive deeper into God's Word.
Preschoolers and Children are currently exploring God's Word through the Genesis Project by Lifeway. With fun interactive activities they are learning more about God's Word as it points us to the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Adults meet in a verse by verse study of God's Word. It is a great opportunity to ask questions, discuss, and share as we seek God's truth and apply it to our lives.